Monday, February 24, 2020

Jimmy is no longer conservative (Aug. 4, 1993)

                                                                                                                                    August 4, 1993

 The poor old raven!
 How liberal he's become in his old age. He used to sing the praises of a conservative thinkers in those mad days of rage when left wing protest was in fashion. I thought then he did it for shock value. Now I'm less certain. For all his dreams and fantasies of doom, he fears Chaos. He needs a sense of order in his life, a regular job, a sense of home and property.
 Last night, when I called, he snarled at me for interrupting the President's speech. He seems to have hope there-- in a system of checks and balances. Life at the library in a small, small town has given him an odd perspective on the world. It's too late to erase the liberal tendencies he hid when he was young, but bend and shape them, that world does, making him believe that much more strongly in the system.
 It amazes me the contradictions in him. The hunger for revolution and change that dominates his art and interests, yet in his practical life he is revolted by anything too radical. Reform is the key word. Education is the means.
 But for some of us society has already moved too far towards its own self-destruction, pillaging the planet so that even the weather has changed. I suppose every generation has this sense of doom hanging above it. When we were young it was the H-bomb, we thought would do us in. Now it's global warming.
 Yet in truth society grows more and more complicated over time, and while some may view the positive aspects: longer life, better lifestyles, etc., others like me see the world twisting out of our control. Jimmy fears Chaos and leans towards the other extreme. I fear God or the new gods that technology creates.

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